Pest Control in Orlando

Pest Control in Orlando

Turfgrass is utilized throughout Orlando in various environments and for differing uses, such as home lawns, sod farms, parks, athletic fields, golf courses, pastures, and right-of-ways. The level of care for turfgrass Pest Control in Orlando largely depends on the turf species, variety, and the use for which it is intended.

Several types of insects and even various mites live and feed in turfgrass areas. Many of these insects are harmless, some are even beneficial, and of course, some are known pests. Only a handful of these insects can cause significant damage and necessitate prompt control measures.

When this need arises for Pest Control in Orlando, look no further than the professionals at Protex Lawn and Pest Control.

It is important to realize that insect damage is only one of the many possible reasons that a lawn may be thin, brown in color, or even have areas of dead grass. Pest Control in Orlando is certainly a necessity for a beautiful and healthy lawn. Improper watering, diseases and fungus, nematodes, and of course nutritional deficiencies can also cause turf damage.

The company that you choose to provide Pest Control in Orlando shouldn’t be one that you take lightly. Properly identifying the issue causing the turf decline is the first step of an integrated approach to correctly and efficiently managing insect pests of turfgrass, which can not only save money but also prevent unnecessary applications of pesticides to the environment. Below are a few examples of turf damaging insects for various turfgrass species in Florida.

Southern chinch bug

The southern chinch bug or Blissus insularis, is the most important pest of St. Augustine grass, which happens to be the most commonly utilized turfgrass species for lawns in Florida. Chinch bug adults are roughly 0.2 inches long and have black bodies with white patches on their wings, which they tend to fold over their backs. Young nymphs are a reddish-orange color with a white stripe or band across their back. The body color of the chinch bug darkens and eventually becomes black as the nymphs mature and become adults.

Chinch bugs insert their needle-like mouthparts into the St. Augustine grass and feed on plant juices from within the plant. Chinch bug damage can be very extensive and can certainly destroy a St. Augustine lawn if left untreated. If you think you may have chinch bugs, call the local favorites at Protex Lawn and Pest Control for Unmatches Pest Control in Orlando services.

Tropical sod webworm

Tropical sod webworm, Herpetogramma phaeopteralis, is a pest that causes damage during the summer months. Sod webworms are actually caterpillars and are considered to be a pest of most of our warm-season turfgrasses, including the most common grasses such as St Augustine, zoysia, bermudagrass, and when bahiagrass. The larvae of the sod webworm are a gray color that turns green as they eat the actual grass blades. Mature larvae can reach roughly 1 inch in length.

The sod webworm larvae will progress through seven or eight instars before maturing and becoming adults. Sod webworms create cocoons in the soil or thatch areas that are made from plant debris and various other soil particles. Adults generally emerge about 7 days or so after pupation.

The adult sod webworms are small grayish colored moths. These moths hide in shrub areas of the landscape along with other sheltered areas during the day and begin flying at dusk. The adults do not cause damage but deposit small clusters ranging from 6 to 15 round, flat eggs on grass blades at night. These eggs take about one week to hatch. If you require Pest Control in Orlando in regards to tropical sod webworms, look no further than the team at Protex Lawn and Pest Control.

Mole cricket

Another turf damaging insect causing a need for Pest Control in Orlando is the dreaded mole cricket. The native mole cricket is rarely a pest of turfgrass in Florida. However, the three exotic species that now call Florida home can cause extensive damage to turf if not diagnosed correctly and treated. The flat front legs of the mole cricket are well suited for digging. The southern mole cricket and the tawny mole cricket adults grow to a length of 1.5 inches long.

The short-winged mole cricket usually reaches about 1 inch in length making it slightly shorter than the other two. The digging claws of the southern and short-winged mole crickets both have a U shape between them. Conversely, the tawny mole cricket has a V-shaped space. The southern mole cricket is a darker shade of brown than the tawny as well. If mole crickets are destroying your lawn and you need services related to Pest Control in Orlando, trust the pros at Protex Lawn and Pest Control.

As you can see, Pest Control in Orlando can be very challenging for homeowners. To ensure correct identification and treatment protocols are utilized to avoid turf loss and unnecessary pesticide applications, entrust your Pest Control in Orlando needs to Protex Lawn and Pest Control. Call us today for a free estimate!